I used to joke, as we were birthing boys every year, that we were "single-handedly alleviating the priest shortage". While I may have thought that was funny and truthful, they were still babies and I could cuddle, dream, and love them with everything I have in me as a mother.
They are older now.
insert sound effects here:
- door slamming
- back talk
- eye rolls
- ignoring
I know there isn't a 'sound effect' for ignoring, but it disturbs the sound waves in a room just the same.
It's getting to the point that we are actively discussing Vocations on a regular basis. The time is approaching where the rubber meets the road: Will I truly put all options out there and trust the Holy Spirit to make the call, or will I manipulate the discussion to my wants?
As a parent, the choice is easy on paper: Trust in God; not so easy when it's your son, possibly feeling the call to serve the Lord (of which I would be incredibly proud) in all ways. Make no mistake, it would be an honor to be the parent of a Priest; but working closely with priests, I know how difficult it would be without a wife to care for him so I realize the loss he would have; plus, no grandbabies (therefore no possiblity of girls). Still, there would be tremendous joy and a solid, evident purpose to that vocation.
I must be on my toes when it comes to influence, therefore my prayer life must be in tip-top shape. And I must be aware and waiting for God to help me along in my discussions with each son. Case in point: My second-oldest will be Confirmed in the faith on the 15th of May, as will 18 other young people from St. Michaels. This is significant for him as his sponsor will be celebrating his birhtday on the 15th (unbeknownst to us when he was chosen). He feels it is a sign for him that he chose the right person.
Such a happy occurrence, yes. Yet May 15th is also World Day of Prayer for Vocations. What a wonder, when you think of the Cathedral being full of young people, at the beginning of their walk in life, being prayed over, touched by the Holy Spirit on that particular day! Vocations indeed.
My prayer for all parents (especially myself) is to aid your child in discerning their vocation, while simultaneously allowing it to be their decision with God ~ no matter the outcome because God needs men and women of valor on the front lines too.
I can so relate to this post, my friend -- and here's a twist: our middle son, who has aspired to the priesthood and nothing else for 5 years straight now (long enough for everyone to adjust to and embrace the idea, even though he's still quite young). Now, as he begins to imagine other futures, it's hard not to steer him back... :-P